Monday, June 11, 2012

Last day of Kindergarten

 Last Thursday was Emma's last day of kindergarten.  I cannot believe how fast the year has gone.  She has grown is so many ways this past year and we are so proud of all her accomplishments.  These are a few photos before she got on the bus.  She was happy and so good all week.  I am not sure if she realized it was the last week of school or not, but we loved it (and so did her bus driver!).

Love my vintage chalkboard that I purchased with my sister in some small town in Wisconsin.  It will be used a lot over the next 14 years.  As you can see she loved holding the sign about her head.  Silly girl!!  I hope to post more pictures of her last day and our welcome to summer celebration.


  1. Love the sign and love Emma's expressions. You are going to have a lot of fun with that over the next few years. Can't wait to see more of the celebration.

  2. Oh my, so so cute. Love the chalkboard, I want that!! Her haircut is so adorable, that dress is too. Can't wait to see more pics of the celebration!

  3. Emma is growing up so fast! I can't get over how big she is getting!! Her haircut is adorable!! And so is that chalkboard-can't wait to see what else you did!!
